
Make a Difference: Be One of the 100

Author Greg Koukl Published on 08/11/2020

If there’s one thing plaguing the church today, it’s what I call the “three SH’s.” You’ve likely seen one or more in action…

SHALLOW—Inch-thick faith with no deep grasp of “what” and “why” one believes.

SHRILL—Loud, ungracious, argumentative, and off-putting to others.

SHUSH—Choosing silence when we should speak. Afraid and unsure—so we “shush.”

You get the idea. The upshot is that modern Christianity is in crisis. Christians are confused. Some well-known Christian personalities have walked away from the faith. All this at a time of extreme upheaval in American society.

And that’s why Stand to Reason is so needed. Thanks to good friends who support us, STR equips thousands of believers like you to think clearly and deeply about your faith, to confidently defend it, and to do so in a warm and gracious manner. But so much more needs to be done.

That’s why, today, I’m asking you to take a bold step to give confidence to even more believers by becoming a Strategic Partner, pledging to support STR with an automatic monthly gift.

This month, we’re seeking 100 new Strategic Partners, so as a special incentive beyond the usual benefits, when you join with a monthly gift of $25 or more, we’ll send the pastor you designate a Tactics Gift Pak. It includes my book Tactics, the comprehensive Tactics Video Study DVD with six in-depth training sessions, and a quick-reference card with a downloadable video. You’ll help equip a pastor and the congregation he serves—maximizing your impact at a time of urgent need.

Be one of the 100. As you support us, we will support you and a church gravely afflicted by the “SH’s.”